If you can answer these questions, contact us to get started to solving your need.
Current water treatment methods rely heavily on PRESSURE, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, THERMAL and OTHER PRINCIPLES as the primary methods to treat water for recovery.
We have the capability of providing many different console configurations specific for your cleaning application.
Conventional methods of water recovery require high energy input, high initial system costs, high installation and operating costs and many ancillary types of equipment to support the process. Acoustic based methods can mitigate all of those costs and complexities.
Additionally, a huge benefit is that acoustic based systems can be built significantly SMALLER PER UNIT OUTPUT than current methods allowing installations for local “AT THE SOURCE” applications. Any remediation of waste water “at the source” results in orders of magnitude of benefit downstream by reducing the concentration of contamination being distributed into larger surface, ground, aquifer and other water retention areas.
SIZE AND COST SAVINGS ALONE MAKE VIRTUALLY ANY APPLICATION WORTH DOING. Conversely, the small size of the acoustic units does not impede large scale operations because the units are directly, LINEARLY SCALABLE AT THE SAME COST TO BENEFIT RATIO AT ANY SIZE OF OUTPUT.
The end result is the replacement of current methods of water recovery such as high pressure membrane filtration; high temperature evaporation; chemical processes, all requiring large scale installations to provide any economic justification.
Additionally, the increased brine concentrate from membrane filtration operations, for example, actually becomes a waste product in itself and yet is not of sufficient concentration for viable economic mining of most elements without extensive and costly additional treatments.
Acoustic technology not only mitigates these, and other, problems but provides opportunities for additional innovations for and from the treatment of water.
W3 product philosophy is based in making the product fit the application rather than making the application fit the product.
All selections of equipment are first preceded with a thorough analysis of your specific application and production needs with one of our experienced W3 Ultrasonic application personnel.
Start the Process Development analysis yourself or Contact W3 directly.